There are simple basic steps given to bellow to register on our website
Step-1: Open search engine like google, chrome, safari, on your devices and write down on the search bar and click on search button
Step-2: After that our official website page will appear on the devices screen.
Step-3: There are lot of option available on the website you just click on the register button on the right hand side on the website.
Step-4: you will need to fill the register information in each field. Check below the details description for each field.
# Personal information: In this section please fill your personal information like name, phone number, email address. This section divided into four part.
- First Name: In this section please enter your first name
- Last Name: Enter your last name in this section
- Email Address: Write down the official website on this section that you want to for notification.
- Phone Number: Enter your valid mobile number.
# Billing Address: In this option fill your Billing Address details.
- Company Name (optional): Write down the company name on this section.
- Street Address: Enter your Address that you want.
- City: Enter the city name where do you live
- State: Enter the State name
- Postcode: Enter the your area postcode on this option
- Country : Select the country
# Additional Required information: This Section divided into two parts.
- GSTIN: In this option Enter the your GST number
- INR: Select the currency that you want to have.
# Account Security: In this section you will need to create a password for your Account Security.
- Password: You should enter a strong and secure password for your Account that you have been created.
- Confirm Password: Enter the same password as above to confirm the spelling.
Step-5: After fill these details please enter the characters you see in the image below into the text box provided. This is required to prevent automated submissions.
Step-6: After that check mark on terms of service.
Step-7: After that click on register button.